POCOSIN ARTS FOLK SCHOOL EbzB School Resident Jan.-March 2012 Workshop Evaluation

EbzB School Resident Jan.-March 2012
Workshop Evaluation

17 Responses Received

Was this classroom experience beneficial to you?     17 responded Yes
Were the instructors knowledgeable?       16 responded Yes;  1 responded  No
Were the instructors helpful?                    17 responded Yes
Were the instructors respectful?                17 responded Yes

Please rate your how well you liked participating in this program:
 8 responded 1) Loved it!
 5 responded 2) Liked it.
 4 responded 3) It was ok

What did you like most about this experience?
I overcame my stage fright
The exercises
Getting over my stage fright and talking louder
Overcoming my shyness just a little
Learning all of the exercises
Having fun and going along in the play
I had fun with my friends
The people were nice and knew how to explain something
Showed us how to stay calm, and use a focal point
I liked performing for the people
They were fun and they seem like they really loved what they did - just being around was a great experience.
I liked how I learned a lot with them
I liked the part about teaching us that the way you respond to things can have a completely different meaning than you wanted.
I love the acting lessons and the skills on presenting myself
The help they gave us and the comfort
They really interacted with us.  We were always “hyped”.  It wasn’t just a group coming to show us something for a sponsor.  It was as if they really wanted to teach us.  They have more energy than some of our certified teachers.

What did you like least about this experience?
Performing in front of people
Performing it in front of the school
All the different exercise and other things we do
Being on stage
The reading of lines for the play
Trying to remember the lines and stage directions in the play
We didn’t really have much stage practice
I didn’t have much of a part
There wasn’t really anything I didn’t like
Getting the interviews and translating the scripts
Knowing that they were leaving
How they were here for a short time
I didn’t like the fact that I had to interview somebody because I’m not into that kind of stuff
I didn’t like interviewing, even though it was very interesting.  But actually taking the time to do the interview was aggravating.
That I had to scream in my part of the play
N/A.  Somethings may have seemed embarrassing at first but later proved to be hilarious.
Such short time to get the actual acting together

How could this experience be improved?
Bring us lunch for doing it
If we wasn’t playing and laughing too much
It can improve by helping students who want to be actors and talking out loud to people
More funny parts
Make it more interesting
Knowing what to do in the play
More time with the crew members
Make it longer
Maybe a little more time and give some people longer parts
If it was more elaborate
If they stayed longer
If they were here longer and maybe if we had a drama department
I don’t think it could be improved, the only thing is I wish they could have spent more time with me
I feel everything and the timing was perfect how it was fit into our schedule
It was all good
I wish we could have spent more time with them, looking forward to them when we were told they were coming back was a real booster.
More time to rehearse