Hey Serena,
I just wanted to let you know that my honors class decided on our topic for the documentary play that we're going to write and perform--they chose the recent Trayvon Martin killing in Florida and the underlying themes of racial, and teen, profiling. We brainstormed a whole lot of different historic events but they were really drawn to this one--I think because it's current and the whole teen thing hits home. We're gathering articles and quotes and images now, but if you have any other suggestions or hints I'll definitely take them.
Thanks again for such a great workshop at Hoggard and my students and I are looking forward to seeing The Parchman Hour.
Robin Clayton
Ashley High School Theatre Department
910-790-2360 X805
Professional touring theatre and teaching artists developing theatrical works to promote integrity, self-discovery and positive transformation of artists, audiences, individuals, and communities. Visit www.ebzb.org!
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