Professional touring theatre and teaching artists developing theatrical works to promote integrity, self-discovery and positive transformation of artists, audiences, individuals, and communities. Visit!
Foul Weather: EbzB Arts Integration Residency with Silk Hope School, Chatham County, NC
"Foul Weather" - Silk Hope Elementary School fifth-graders in Chatham County did the research and wrote the script, but Covid19 kept them from performing it. So the leaders of our Chatham County Community put voices to the words, and images to the ideas to complete this arts integration residency with EbzB Productions. Sponsored by Chatham Arts. Voices by Allen Baddour, Ed Bronson, Dorrie Casey, Serena Ebhardt, Gina Harrison, Karen Allen Howard, Anne Kissel, Lesley Russell Landis, Greg Lewis, Gilda McDaniel, Sheriff Mike Roberson, Mike Wiley, Jordan Wiley, Coleman Wiley, Carlton Zum Brunnen, & David Zum Brunnen
11/11 War Bonds ShowHonor Flight Myrtle Beach | Honor Flight Myrtle Beach
Artists-in-Schools: EbzB Productions Helps Moncure School’s Fifth Graders Rewind to the 1700s via @chathamarts #R...
War Bonds show Seeks to Connect with Local Families