Let Us Now Praise Famous Women Who Raise Us Up

The North Carolina Humanities Council’s Board of Trustees selected Dr. Margaret Donovan Bauer as the recipient of the 2018 John Tyler Caldwell Award for the Humanities, the Council’s most prestigious honor.The award recognizes Dr. Bauer for her lifelong achievements as a professor, editor, scholar, author, and supporter of literature in North Carolina.
In a ceremony and reception, held on the evening of Friday, October 5, 2018 at the Friday Conference Center in Chapel Hill, Dr Bauer used her acceptance speech to praise EbzB Productions' touring play, Native.  
"When you see that play [Native] advertised in your area, go see it—and bring a friend. If you don’t see it coming to your community, bring it to your community (that’s ebzb.org, for more information). This play about the collaboration between our own Paul Green, creator of The Lost Colony, and Richard Wright on adapting Wright’s Native Son for the stage in the early 1940s explores conversations we should be having, not shying away from, about the American ideals that are not equally accessible to everyone, about recognizing discrimination and white privilege. It is a provocative, timely play--“intense” and “moving” were the adjective my students used the class period after. Our audience ranged from ECU students to retirees, and we had an inspiring talk-back when it was over. Make this happen on a stage near you. I believe we all went home Tuesday night feeling more enlightened, more empathy after hearing Green and Wright try to “talk the darkness away,” to borrow a phrase Green once used. Isn’t that what we all need these days? To communicate, to educate until we talk the darkness away?"
EbzB is humbled and honored by the unsolicited praise.  Dr. Bauer used her well-earned spotlight selflessly.  We promise to pay it forward.

Thank you and Congratulations, Dr. Bauer!
For more information about the evening, visit...

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