EbzB Recommends Emily Post's Audience Etiquette Advice

EbzB Recommends Emily Post's Audience Etiquette Advice


Manners at a Performance
Today, there’s a wealth of entertainment offered in widely differing settings, but the following fundamentals of good audience behavior are adaptable to virtually any situation:
  • No talking, unless audience participation is requested by the performers. If something must be said, whisper it quickly. Excessively shushing a talkative neighbor can be just as disturbing.
  • Use good posture. Auditorium seating is often arranged so that the person in the seat behind can see between the two seats in front, so slumping sideways or lounging on a partner’s shoulder blocks the view.
  • Remove hats. Ladies, if your hat is part of your outfit, you can keep it on as long as it doesn’t block anyone’s view.
  • Noises off. Turn off cell phones, beepers, audible watches, and any other sound-making gadgets before any performance.
  • Lights out.  Don’t forget, the screen on your mobile device can be a distraction too.
  • Snap, crackle, pop. No rattling of candy boxes or ice in cups, shaking popcorn containers, or slurping drinks.
  • Control coughing. Muffle coughs and sneezes with a handkerchief. Cough drops and mints may be helpful, but leave if you can’t stop the attack.
  • Avoid other sounds that can disturb the people around you and the performers. Munching noisily, smacking or cracking gum, rattling the pages of programs, tapping feet or drumming fingers, humming or singing along, rummaging in purses—these are just a few of the things that can annoy those around you.
  • Smoke only in designated areas. Leave and find a place outside if you must smoke.
  • Don’t take flash photos or shoot video during live performances. The point is to do nothing that will distract the performers or disturb others in the audience.
  • Dispose of trash, including chewed gum, in waste containers. Tell an user or attendant if anything was spilled, as a courtesy to the next person who has your seat.

Outdoor Etiquette

Many outdoor performances have a relaxed atmosphere, but a little consideration will make the experience enjoyable for all.
  • Keep it down, please. Unless the performers encourage you to, don’t sing along or repeat dialogue.
  • Keep charge of children and pets (if they’re allowed). Know where they are at all times. Sit near the edge of the crowd in case you need to take your daughter or your dog for a walk.
  • Use common sense about outdoor seating. Seating and accessories that can block others’ view or cause congestion should be placed as far from the center of the crowd as possible.
  • Be careful with food and drinks. Wipe up spills, especially on surfaces where others may sit or eat.
  • Smoke away from the crowd. Head for the fringes where the smoke is less bothersome and you’re unlikely to bump a lighted cigarette into someone.
  • Clean up. Obviously, it’s disrespectful to leave a mess.

Before Charlottesville, Before Charleston, Before Ferguson: Native

Before Charlottesville, Before Charleston, Before Ferguson: Native
Drama allows opportunity to gain understanding.


Native dramatizes the friendship and collaboration between Paul Green and Richard Wright. The authors are brought together to adapt Wright’s novel, Native Son for Broadway. 

In 1941 Paul Green is a UNC professor and Pulitzer Prize winning playwright who is also known for The Lost Colony. Richard Wright is the controversial author of Native Son, a groundbreaking work on the systemic discrimination of African-Americans. 

Green and Wright forge a deep respect for each other.  Yet, in a heated discussion over a single page of their Broadway script, they argue about who has the right to tell the story of race, politics and social class.  Ultimately the revelations dissolve their friendship in spite of their common goal to affect social change.

EbzB Productions’ Native is based on the true story of Green and Wright’s collaboration.  This event hopes to inspire audiences to gain understanding and to discuss differing viewpoints of systemic discrimination which continues to challenge us today.  Venues may offer post-show discussions with the cast to allow patrons an opportunity to share and process their reactions to the performance.

EbzB Productions, Inc. is a professional theatre company developing original, touring theatrical productions to promote integrity and authenticity, self-discovery and positive transformation of individuals, artists, audiences, and communities.  www.ebzb.org

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If you would like photos, media or more information, please visit EbzB’s website at www.ebzb.org