Compliment: In One Era, Carteret Arts Forum


It was such a treat having you all with us. Thank you for being the perfect artists in residence. Yes! We'd love to have you back and we'd love to tell the world how great you are. Most important: I think you should feel very proud of what I found from the feedback.

Bill Colbert
Carteret Arts Forum
Morehead City, NC

Below are comments collected from our audience after the show...

Serena Ebhardt's narrative on 20th century American History was most accurate and enlightening. She spoke and sang in tones that were most audible.You could understand every word she sang. The pictures she selected to use were most effective. She made me feel that she was talking to me and not a general audience.

The sincerity in Ms. Ebhardt’s voice was so clear. She came off the stage and mingled with the audience. After the show she answered all questions and did not rush anyone off. She gave out Cracker Jacks (that we haven’t seen for years). And, she smiled almost throughout the show.

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