The Augusta Chronicle - War Bonds

'War Bonds' show is musical journey through WWII

‘War Bonds’ uses letters to show societal impact

October 20, 2012

War Bonds was performed in the Benjamin Russell High School auditorium Thursday evening. | Kenneth Boone

By Virginia Spears
‘War Bonds’ uses letters to show societal impact

Published 9:10am Saturday, October 20, 2012

Alexander City Arts, Inc., kicked off the 2012-2013 season at Benjamin Russell High School Thursday with the EBZB production of War Bonds: The Songs & Letters of World War II.

Actors Serena Ebhardt and David zum Brunnen arranged the revue, which opened with a recording of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s radio news report of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Ebhardt and zum Brunnen, accompanied by pianist Greg Dixon, then carried their audience on an energetic, enthusiastic and sometimes emotional journey through the war years. Their innovative history lesson contrasted humorous aspects of the awkwardness of war with its harsh realities through songs and authentic letters from the period.

The revue highlighted hits, such as “This is My Country,” “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy,” “White Cliffs of Dover” and “I’ll Be Home for Christmas.” Interspersed between Ebhardt’s solid vocals, zum Brunnen read letters from soldiers, presidents, wives and mothers. The mix brought attention to the sacrifices made at home and abroad, the staggering statistics of casualties and the effects of the war on society, including the contributions of women and those of black soldiers. Ebhardt and zum Brunnen drew laughter and applause throughout the production with audience participation during “Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree…,” “One Meatball” and Ebhardt’s sultry impersonation of Marlene Dietrich.

While the set for War Bonds was minimal, consisting of war posters on banners, the costuming was spot on, right down to the stocking seams painted on Ebhardt’s calves.

Alexander City Arts, Inc., president Karen Kison said she thought the audience enjoyed the performance. “I think the performers did a great job of showing what happened during that period, and having letters from real people gave it more meaning.”

The non-profit arts organization next month will sponsor Embraceable You, a song and dance show featuring the music of George Gershwin. “I am excited about that,” Kison said. “We haven’t had a production that includes dancing with the music in a long time. I think it will be a lot of fun for the audience.” Tickets for the show, which will be held at the BRHS auditorium on Nov. 15, will be available online at or at Second Act, the Alexander City Chamber of Commerce and Thomas Mortgage.

Arts in Education Resources

Arts in Education Resources

The A+ Schools Program is the largest, longest running, most successful arts-based whole-school reform effort in the nation. Since 1995, A+ Schools has been using the arts as a catalyst for creating connections and making school engaging, meaningful and enjoyable places to teach and learn.

Americans for the Arts – Arts Education Campaign website includes quick facts, highlights from national research, and arts education resource websites. AFTA is the nation's leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts and arts education.

The Arts Education Partnership provides information and communication about current and emerging arts education policies, issues, and activities at the national, state, and local levels. The website landing page will allow you to subscribe to their Arts Ed Digest, a source of national and international arts education communications.

Arts NC is the arts advocacy organization for the state of North Carolina. The organization calls for equity and access to the arts for all North Carolinians, unifies and connects North Carolina’s arts communities, and fosters arts leadership.
The Kennedy Center Alliance for Arts Education Network (KCAAEN) brings together educators, school administrators, parents, cultural leaders, and citizens from across the nation. KCAAEN seeks to advance the quality of education through the inclusion of the arts in the curriculum. The Kennedy Center supports the growth and development of the Network and the efforts of participating State Alliances through staff consultation, professional development, grant support, and other resources.

Developed in 2009, the KCAAEN Arts Education Advocacy Tool Kit is a resource for State Alliances and the general public to use in planning, organizing and implementing their arts education advocacy efforts. The Tool Kit includes information on topics such as messaging, developing an advocacy plan, and the nine habits of effective arts education advocates. A companion video helps prepare advocates to make visits to their state and national legislators.

The NAMM Foundation website is a comprehensive grassroots advocacy program focused on music education but adaptable to any discipline. is a public service initiative that impacts resolve and support for music education in local communities around the United States and abroad.

The NC Arts Council supports and advocates for arts organizations and individual artists. Our diverse audiences show that the arts are relevant to the lives of North Carolinians and critical to the future of NC and all of its communities. The Arts Council, along with many partners around the state, seeks to create an environment where all children have the opportunity to learn through the arts.
The Partnership for 21st Century Skills has emerged as the leading advocacy organization focused on infusing 21st century skills into education. 21st Century Skills are those skills business and civic leaders have identified as essential to enable American workers to compete in today’s global economy. The organization brings together the business community, education leaders, and policymakers to define a powerful vision for 21st century education and to ensure that students emerge from our schools with the skills needed to be effective citizens, workers, and leaders in the 21st century.
The skills named as essential for our nation’s labor force are inherent outcomes of training in music, theatre, dance, and visual arts. Those skills include critical thinking and problem solving, communication, creativity and innovation, collaboration, information and media literacy, and contextual learning skills. Arts education is a “ready-now” strategy for schools to accomplish the visionary goals of the 21st Century Skills movement.

The Research-Based Communication Tool Kit is a comprehensive document that brings together several components that advocates can use at state and local levels. Each component is research-based, drawing on careful reviews and analyses of research literature that confirm, explain and clarify the role of the arts in various significant policy contexts. The sample materials in the Tool Kit, prepared by a working committee of State Arts Agency Arts Education Managers, are meant to be “boilerplate” so that arts advocates can adapt them to their contexts and needs, quickly creating targeted, personalized advocacy messages.

VSA has fostered the inclusion of the arts in education for students and adults with disabilities through work in classrooms and communities for nearly 30 years. Now part of The Kennedy Center, VSA administers numerous programs that stimulate the use of the arts as a valuable educational tool in the classroom, for life-long learning and as a means to develop skills for future employment. All of VSA's work encourages individuals with disabilities to be active participants in their education, in their communities, and in the arts.

Wycliffe Gordon joins EbzB's Production of War Bonds for performance in Evans, Georgia on November 9, 2012.

Wycliffe Gordon joins EbzB's Production of War Bonds for performance in Evans, Georgia on November 9, 2012. In 1995 he re-orchestrated NPR's "All Things Considered" theme song.

In One ERA: Study Guide Resources


The links below relate to what you see "In One ERA and Out The Other" by EbzB Productions.

The Authentic History Center

Building the Pentagon, 1940s | The Pentagon: Rare and Unpublished Pictures

The Inauguration of President Calvin Coolidge in 19251

Never-before-seen photos from 100 years ago tell vivid story of gritty New York.

Woodstock Music and Art Fair, 1969 | LIFE at Woodstock, 1969 |

World Trade Center, c.1985 Print by Andy Warhol at

Pitching High Octane Performance: IN ONE ERA

Hello Presenters!

Wishing all of you well as you begin the 2012/13 season and sell-out performances for each event! With meetings and reviews abounding, I hope you will turn your attention to SERENA EBHARDT and her one woman tour de force contemporary & historical cabaret show, "IN ONE ERA, OUT THE OTHER"!

Serena's passion is manifested in her quest for excellence and education, and her talent for teaching and energy for life and learning is paramount in her craft as an actress and writer.

Everyone working in education will instantly appreciate how Serena weaves the medicine of "education" in a marvelous and unique tribute to our nation and her own beloved country and family. Your audiences will forget their cell phones and game boys and be transported to an on stage YouTube for the mind and soul.............

IN ONE ERA covers iconic Americans from the world of politics, religion, athletics, arts, science, and of course, entertainers from cinema to stage. Tarheel audiences will recognize many native sons and daughters, reminding folks of real time memories. As most of you know, high energy and high octane goes without saying in all of Serena's performances.

This extraordinarily smart and polished show is available for single and multiple runs, along with an array of opportunities for in school workshops and local community outreach activities.

Highly entertaining.....full of facts in music and story, for all ages.......
Latest comments ....

Morehead City, NC
"On behalf of the Carteret Arts Forum, I would like to thank you again for your wonderful performance at our Carteret Arts Forum first program of the Season.
The Program Committee wanted to have strong programs to begin and end our Season and we were right on target with your "In One Era and Out The Other."

Lake Wales, FL
I was so happy that one particular student, Alec, participated in the 'talk back session' after the show - his self-concept has been soaring this week.

Let David Briggs know you are headed to High Point for the next show! Tickets on sale now! 7:30 curtain, Thursday, November election!

Thank you for your serious consideration! More information is available on line at or at And our phone is toll free! We'd love to hear from you!
We are looking forward to working with you and this show and many others!

At the end of the day, we all know why we do what we do! Congratulations on running the race!
Best wishes!

Elizabeth Bridges
Philip Moye
Alkahest Artists & Attractions, Inc.
423.510.0012 Fax

Night Before Christmas Carol Comes To Davie County Arts Council

We invite you to join us on Saturday, December 8 for "The Night Before Christmas Carol" - a holiday performance for the whole family at the BPAC in beautiful downtown Mocksville!

Join Charles Dickens in his study on Friday the thirteenth, 1843. History, humor and the holiday come to life in this entertaining family play. Renowned Dickens scholar and author, Dr. Elliot Engel, crafts this entertaining study that is suitable for all ages.

Tickets: Adults $12; Students/Seniors: $10. Visit or call 336/751-3000 for tickets and more info.

Compliment: IN ONE ERA, CAF

Dear Serena,

On behalf of the Carteret Arts Forum, I would like to thank you again for your wonderful performance at our Carteret Arts Forum first program of the Season.

The Program Committee wanted to have strong programs to begin and end our Season and we were right on target with your "In One Era and Out The Other."

We have received many wonderful comments on your performance. One subscriber said he knows he missed some important history facts and would love to see it again. He was very impressed how much history you shared, while singing with your beautiful voice and with the accompaniment of Julie Florin and Drew. We all loved the audience participation. It was truly an outstanding cabaret.

We all enjoyed meeting you and David and your son. Your son is an amazing young man. We enjoyed getting to know you all better at dinner. Bill Colbert, the Chairman for your program, said it was a pleasure to work with you all.

Please keep in touch, we would love for you to return in the future. Thank you again!

Elaine G. Tempel
CAF Vice President/Program Chairman

Compliment: In One Era, Carteret Arts Forum


It was such a treat having you all with us. Thank you for being the perfect artists in residence. Yes! We'd love to have you back and we'd love to tell the world how great you are. Most important: I think you should feel very proud of what I found from the feedback.

Bill Colbert
Carteret Arts Forum
Morehead City, NC

Below are comments collected from our audience after the show...

Serena Ebhardt's narrative on 20th century American History was most accurate and enlightening. She spoke and sang in tones that were most audible.You could understand every word she sang. The pictures she selected to use were most effective. She made me feel that she was talking to me and not a general audience.

The sincerity in Ms. Ebhardt’s voice was so clear. She came off the stage and mingled with the audience. After the show she answered all questions and did not rush anyone off. She gave out Cracker Jacks (that we haven’t seen for years). And, she smiled almost throughout the show.