Night Before Christmas Carol program air dates for 2011.

Merry Christmas, America!

EbzB Productions The Night Before Christmas Carol will air on the following public television stations in 2011...

KET - Kentucky Educational Television, varied air dates

Idaho Public Television, varied air dates

KLRU - Austin, TX, Mon 12/19 9PM

KCTS - Seattle/British Columbia 12/19 varied air tines & and other varied air dates

WKNO-Memphis, TN 12//23 8PM

WPSU - State College, PA, 12/24 9PM

KBYU - Provo, Utah, 12/25, 12 Midnight

Please check your local listings for air dates and times near you!  Or you can order the DVD directly from EbzB Productions at and watch it anytime you wish!

Happy Holidays and "God Bless Us, Everyone!"