EbzB Teaching Artist, Serena Ebhardt guides Chatham Central High School students as they create a play about their community. Students are taught the tools of the Actor (Breath, Body, Eyes, Face, Voice and Gesture). These tools are applied to text created from interviews with older generations of Chatham County. The interview questions, "What brought you to Chatham County?" and "What did you bring to Chatham County?" are designed to seek information from older citizens about their history, migration, and contributions to the community.
Guided by writer Mimi Herman, students will also contribute their own creative writing and poetry to enhance the final script. The bluegrass band, Chatham County Line has given permission for recordings of their music to be used in the final production. This project will culminate in a public performance by the students for their peers and community.
Professional touring theatre and teaching artists developing theatrical works to promote integrity, self-discovery and positive transformation of artists, audiences, individuals, and communities. Visit www.ebzb.org!
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