EbzB Arts In Education - EbzB - Picasa Web Albums
EbzB Arts In Education Residencies
Spring 2011
Chatham Central High School, Bear Creek, NC
Gates County High School, Gatesville, NC
Jones County Senior High School, Trenton, NC
Professional touring theatre and teaching artists developing theatrical works to promote integrity, self-discovery and positive transformation of artists, audiences, individuals, and communities. Visit www.ebzb.org!
11/11 War Bonds ShowHonor Flight Myrtle Beach | Honor Flight Myrtle Beach http://www.condo-world.com/myrtle-beach-condo-rentals-blog/2011/...
Artists-in-Schools: EbzB Productions Helps Moncure School’s Fifth Graders Rewind to the 1700s https://t.co/Fkd4eKL1hs via @chathamarts #R...
War Bonds show Seeks to Connect with Local Families https://www.zanesvilletimesrecorder.com/story/news/2019/07/10/war-bonds-show-seeks-c...