EbzB Arts In Education - EbzB - Picasa Web Albums

EbzB Arts In Education - EbzB - Picasa Web Albums

EbzB Arts In Education Residencies
Spring 2011
Chatham Central High School, Bear Creek, NC
Gates County High School, Gatesville, NC
Jones County Senior High School, Trenton, NC

EbzB Arts In Education: Gates County High School

EbzB Teaching Artists
at Gates County High School, Gatesville, NC

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Life Is So Good Meets Its Author

Mike Wiley, Richard Glaubman, and David zum Brunnen meet in Troy, Alabama for a performance of Life Is So Good.

Richard Glaubman is the co-author of the book, Life Is So Good, with George Dawson.

Mike Wiley and David zum Brunnen adapted the book for the stage and are the actors in the production. Life Is So Good, the play, is directed by Serena Ebhardt. It is co-produced by EbzB Productions and Mike Wiley Productions.

Life Is So Good!
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