A Different Christmas Carol- NC Arts Everyday
Salisbury native David zum Brunnen stars in Dr. Elliot Engel’s The Night Before Christmas Carol on UNC-TV, Wednesday, Dec. 22 at 10 p.m. The program, filmed on location in the State Library Room of the State Capitol Building in Raleigh brings viewers into Charles Dickens’ study on Friday, Oct. 13, 1843 to reveal his writing process and inspirations for his work. Engel, a scholar, author and playwright combines history and humor to tell the tale. View of a clip of the EbzB production at http://ebzb.org/NBCC/NBCCPromo%20July2010.mp4.
Professional touring theatre and teaching artists developing theatrical works to promote integrity, self-discovery and positive transformation of artists, audiences, individuals, and communities. Visit www.ebzb.org!
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