In One Era and Out The Other: Chapel Hill Museum

4 months ago | 186 views | 10th year for 'Holiday Cabaret'

CHAPEL HILL -- Join the fun at the "Dinner and Holiday Cabaret: In One Era and Out the Other: A Newsworthy Serenade" on Dec. 5 at 6:30 p.m. at the Chapel Hill Museum.

This year's holiday event is a musical time travel through the 20th century performed by siren Serena Ebhardt and musical Director Julie Florin. Ebhardt will turn the past into the present as she leads the audience through decades of headline news and popular song.

This casual cabaret places familiar songs in contexts you'd never imagine.

Come celebrate the season with a seasonal dinner, wine and a professional performance by award-winning Ebzb Productions. It is the 10th year of this Chapel Hill tradition.

The cost is $125 per couple, $70 for singles.